ER Fellow Award 2020 – Palazzo & Stefano Rizzi

postado em: Pesquisa, Pós-graduação | 0

Gostaria de compartilhar com vocês esta notícia, é uma grande satisfação ser reconhecido pelas Instituições em que tenho dedicado tanto esforço e recebido tanto em retorno delas. Primeiro foi o reconhecimento pela SBC e agora pelo grupo da Modelagem Conceitual. Me lembro da leitura do artigo seminal do Peter Chen no ACM Transactions on Database Systems,Vol. 1, No. 1, The entity-relationship model—toward a unified view of data quando estava terminado o mestrado aqui no PPGC da UFRGS. Quarenta e quatro anos após, ser reconhecido pela comunidade como tendo oferecido uma contribuição importante é um orgulho. Certamente a UFRGS e os colegas de Banco de Dados contribuíram para que isto tivesse sido possível.

Dear ERSC members,

On behalf of the ER Fellows selection committee, I am glad to inform you that this year the committee has chosen the following two people to receive the ER Fellows Award:

José Palazzo Moreira de Oliveira

Palazzo is at Computer Science at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil (UFRGS). He was the ER General Conference Chair in 2009 (Gramado, Brazil) and General Co-chair of ER2019 in Salvador, Brazil. In addition he has been a very active member of the Steering Committee for the Entity-Relationship Conference for many years. His research interests include information systems, e-learning, database systems and applications, conceptual modeling and ontologies, applications of database technology and distributed systems.

Palazzo participated in the creation of the doctoral programs in Computing and of Business Administration at UFRGS. In 2017 he received the Honored Researcher of the Year Award at the 2017 Brazilian Symposium on Databases. In 2018 he received the Newton Faller Award honoring members of the Brazilian Computer Society who have distinguished throughout their lives for their service to SBC. He has been the advisor of (directly supervising) 21 Ph.Ds and. and 60 M.Sc., in topics related to Conceptual Modeling. Presently, he edits the Journal on Data Semantics, Communications of the ACM, IEEE-RITA, Computers in Industry, Scientometrics (Print), Information and Software Technology and Data & Knowledge Engineering. He has published a substantial number of number of articles – about 60 in journals, 24 in chapters in books and close to 240 Conference Proceedings.

Stefano Rizzi

Stefano Rizzi has coordinated the research group on business ….


